
Christina Greenaway is an infectious disease physician and clinician researcher with demonstrated leadership in migrant health research and clinical guideline development for this population. Her research aims to promote the health of migrants through addressing their health disparities due to infectious diseases. She has conducted epidemiologic studies on the burden of tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, and vaccine preventable diseases among migrants and cost-effectiveness analyses of targeted screening and vaccination strategies for this population. Christina is a Site Director for Geosentinel, a global surveillance network of more than 60 participating clinics worldwide, with an aim to detect travel and migration related illnesses. She has co-authored migrant infectious disease screening guidelines for Canada (2011) and the European Centres for Diseases Control (2018). She is a member of CATMAT, a national committee of the Public Health Agency of Canada that provides advice and guidelines on travel and tropical medicine for Canadian travelers and migrants.

Health Policy & Systems,
Migration & Health,
Diversity, Inclusion & Equity