
Taya Raine has 10 years’ experience working in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector in Africa. She implemented WASH programs with Samaritan’s Purse International Relief in Kenya and Liberia, focusing on community education and increasing access to safe water and sanitation technologies. From 2014-2015 , she was part of a team that led the Ebola response effort in Liberia, supporting the set-up and management of Ebola Treatment Units and community outreach teams. Subsequently, she provided training to the Liberian Ministry of Health on rapid isolation and treatment of Ebola.   Following her work in Liberia, Taya completed a Masters of Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan. She focused on community-based water management in First Nations communities.   She currently serves as a Global WASH Advisor for the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST). Her work includes building community capacity to meet WASH needs, primarily in Ethiopia and west Africa.

Humanitarian & Emergency Response,
Community Health,
Water and Sanitation Hygiene